Living & Learning
Placeholder 1: Learning Experience
I've been running track for 12 going on 13 years of my life. At first I was doing it for fun and trying things out. Progress was made overtime and I found myself qualifying to the Junior Olympic track meet. Making it to JO's was everyone's goal. That track meet in specific was the biggest track meet of the season. Teams from all over the US came to compete at that meet to win medals.
As the years passed I was taught a lot of different lessons. From learning proper technique to learning how to breathe correctly, allowed me to become a stronger runner. Finding out that hard work, dedication and trust really shaped me as an athlete. Track and field is one of the most challenging sports there is. People think that all you do is run but if your body is checked in mentally then there's a high chance that you won't be happy with the results of your race. I was able to take all the lessons my coach taught me and put them to use in all my races. As a result of learning all the fundamentals about running, I was able to accomplish a lot medals and trophies from my track meet.
Placeholder 2: Future Reflection
I've been running track since I was 7 years old. A couple runners that I look up are Sanya Richards-Ross, Allyson Felix, DeeDee Trotter and Natasha Hastings. All of these ladies have made history and have made a name for themselves in the sport. When I get older and more experienced, my goal is to become an Olympian and run professionally representing USA.

Placeholder 3: Future Reflection
Growing up, I wasn't sure on what I wanted to do for a living. I was able to meet with businesswomen from various of different companies and learn about what they do. I met some women who work for Wells Fargo and learned about what they do and how they got into the business firm. My goal is to get my BBA degree in Marketing and work alongside a company I feel will help me build my marketing skills. Once I gain enough knowledge from that company, I will then start my own business and work for myself.

Placeholder 4: Future Reflection
I'm currently a sophomore planning out my future as the days pass. Right now I am on track of getting my Aggie Ring at the end of my junior year. Once the first semester is over I'll be half way finished with the hours needed to complete in order to register for my ring.
Once I've received my Aggie Ring, I will then apply to become apart of the Maroon Coat Committee. Being apart of the Maroon Coat Committee will allow me to meet more people and help me put a name to a face whenever I'm asked to complete a task. The more people I get to know the better it will be for me to apply for jobs and the better my resume will look.
Portfolio Development Plan
This development plan will help get you started on your portfolio. All you have to do is make an appointment with the CommLab and they will help guide you through the whole process. Click Read More down below to access the instructions on how to upload your professional development plan to you blog. Also, don't forget to incorporate a screenshot of your email from the Comm Lab.